To The point acupuncture
Judy spagnola, lac
Judy was led to the art of Acupuncture through her own personalized experience as a patient to treat imbalances within her body. Realizing the power in this treatment, she found a new journey and deep connection. This created an authentic path to an impactful career becoming an Acupuncturist herself. Judy stands firm in treating "The Whole Body," including the body, mind, and spirit. Incorporating her Western Medicine background, when creating a treatment plan she integrates both Eastern and Western Philosophies for care.
Judy has worked in the operating room for the past 23 years as a surgical neurophysiologist, delicately monitoring various procedures that place the brain, spinal cord, and nerves at risk during neurosurgery. Judy has a unique way of looking at a person using her different “lenses” helping her uncover the true root cause.
Judy is fond of her specific Company Logo, which has great meaning in her name. The logo is pointing out above and to the right, it is made of the letters TTPA, standing for "To The Point Acupuncture." The "T"s are in the shape of an acupuncture needle. The letters form the shape of a Tree, with Roots on the bottom, and Leaves on the Top. The 3 positions of the letters correspond to Heaven, Man, and Earth. The 5 leaves symbolize the 5 elements in Chinese medicine (Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). The Chinese look to nature to explain what goes on in the human body, and make associations with each element. In Western medical terms, it's a way of explaining homeostasis, how the body naturally tries to achieve and maintain its perfect balance.
Academically, Judy has written and sold an Acupuncture Clinical Manual covering over 200 Ailments, or chief complaints, to former classmates, acupuncture students from different schools, and even her former Acupuncture Teachers.
With Judy’s skills and background, she has an array of techniques, treatment options, and a depth of knowledge to help you heal and feel your best! She is excited to join hands with BCIM and expand her patient population, reaching more people and being aligned with a great team!